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The Transportation Industry: It’s F**king Big


We’re constantly digging around for facts about the transportation industry, just to make sure truck drivers know how much they contribute to America and her economy. We ran across this infographic that has some pretty surprising facts based off of reports from the last few years from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Department of Transportation, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

Just a couple from below:

  • Truck drivers haul nearly 70% of the nation’s freight – over 10 billion tons. Considering we have a consumer-based economy that records trillions in monetary exchanges, you might get the idea of just how big the transportation industry is (and it continues to grow).
  • Less than 6% of the 3.5 million of America’s professional truck drivers are women. That may not be surprising, but make sure you respect these rare creatures when you spot them! 🙂

This Week in Trucking
