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Trucker Apps: Top 5 Paid Mobile Apps for Truck Drivers


Mobile phone applications are a 10 billion dollar industry. The transportation industry is about 8x that size, and most likely always will be. However, technology and transportation go hand in hand.

Transportation will always rely on technological advances to keep drivers efficient and safe, keep trucks reliable and keep America’s lead in business. Mobile developers rely on truck drivers to help them make better service apps. Which new mobile apps give truckers the most bang-for-buck? Have a look at some recommendations given to us by pro drivers.

EZCAM Speed Cam Detector – $3.99

This GPS-based app allows you to see all permanent speed camera placements throughout North America. It also allows you to log new cameras that aren’t yet in the database. This handy app also works with Google Maps on any Android phone or tablet computer. Find out more here!


FuelLog Pro License – $2.59

This richly featured mobile app automatically tracks and logs your fuel consumption over specific distances, maintenance costs and expenses of your daily routes. FuelLog Pro even lets you add in expenses such as bridge/toll road fees, parking, scale readings and oil changes. View the list of features here.


AllStays Truck Stops & Travel Plazas – $3.99

An all-in-one GPS-based transportation app that gives you detailed readouts on rest areas, markets, wifi hotspots, CAT scales, low clearances and high-rated service plazas. A highly-customizable search and filter option lets you find almost anything ahead of time. Read more.


CoPilot Truck Specific GPS Guide – $149.99

The price point is high, but CoPilot set out to make the absolute best truck driver-specific travel guide software, and basically hit the mark. This mobile app features maps of USA and Canada and will calculate routes based on your vehicle size, weight, width and load type to avoid restricted roads. It also provides up to the minute traffic information and all manner of other truck service tips and directions like parking, oil changes, CAT scales, speed cams and truck washes. Read over the list of features.

RadarDroid Pro – $7.99

This detailed application for truckers helps drivers spot both mobile and permanent speed traps based on user input. If you spot a trap, create your own alert. If you see a mobile trap alert that’s moved on, quickly cancel the listing. This app allows drivers to help drivers quick and easy and works with most Map apps like Google Navigator. See some screenshots here.


What are some of your favorite paid apps that help you be a better driver? Let us know. Post a link in the comments section or just drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll have our drivers give it a test.

Not ready to drop some money just yet? Maybe there’s a free mobile app for trucking out there that is worth your while. Read about some of our picks here.


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