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New York

$109 Billion Transportation Bill Still Being Debated


New Transportation Bill-   What does it mean for drivers?

Lawmakers and economists, Democrats and Republicans are at odds over the new $109 billion Transportation Bill.  Lawmakers claim the bill will allow for more than 3 million new jobs, while economists say no new jobs will be created, instead workers will shift from other professions into transportation.

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood said, “The bill would be the biggest jobs bill Congress could pass, bigger than anything else they’ve done in 3 1/2 years.” While lobbyists and congressional hopefuls argue over wether or not the bill will add new jobs, many trucking companies are eager for congress to come to an agreement and pass the bill.

Readers of the  800 page bill say fund would be allocated  for the repair of roads and highways, resulting in less wear and tear on trucks, which would mean less time for trucks in the shop, and allow for a faster transportation of goods.  According to  OOIDA, other  positives in the bill include provisions for truck parking and driver training, a study of crashworthiness in truck cabs, and a study of the adverse effects of regulation on small-business truckers.

The bill has been amended more than 100 times and will no doubt be modified many more times before it is passed, but time is running out on the current transportation bill, which is set to expire on March 31, 2012. If the new bill is not passed by then, an estimated 800,00 people would lose their jobs on April 1st.   CDL Life will bring you any new developments on the bill.  Check our website at CDL Life for news that affects your day at www.cdllife2017.wpengine.com.



This Week in Trucking
