25 Ways for Truck Drivers to Get Healthy

Today's Trucking Magazine
Originally posted at Today’s Trucking magazine online

A few weeks ago Teona Baetu at Today’s Trucking went over several ways that truck drivers could make small changes to their routines to improve their health while on the job. While she suggested most truckers try all of them, even adopting just a few could make a big difference over the year in how you feel.

Truck driving is not only a dangerous job, but it’s also ripe with requirements and habit forming behaviors that can do real damage to your body in the long run. Career truckers are constantly battling weight gain, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol and heart disease. Nearly 60% of the industry’s drivers are overweight and most will develop chronic conditions in the long run if they don’t take their health seriously.

To come up with this long list of concerns, Baetu partnered with fitness expert John Siembida from Apps Transport in Ontario, Canada.

What are some of the big points to take away from the article?

Read the rest of the getting healthy list from Today’s Trucking.

Read more articles about keeping healthy while truck driving from CDL Life.


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