-1.1 C
New York

Armed Forces Truck Driver Bill Passes Senate Vote


Originally posted at Heavy Duty Trucking
Originally posted at Heavy Duty Trucking online.

Trucking Info online reports this week on activity in Washington that can affect change within the trucking industry.

Legislation could soon ease the process for former military troops to obtain their commercial driver’s licenses when they leave the service and are back home looking for work as commercial drivers.

The bill, which passed the Senate during its legislative wrap-up, builds on efforts from earlier in the year to help service members obtain their CDLs. The Military Commercial Driver’s License Act of 2012 (S. 2634) now awaits action in the House of Representatives.

Under current law, states are only able to issue CDLs to persons who are legal residents in the state. Since many military personnel often receive their vehicle training in locations other than their homes of record, including their duty stations, the current law makes it difficult for them to obtain a CDL before leaving military service. The bill would create an exception allowing states to test and issue commercial driver’s licenses to service members who are domiciled in another state.

Find out more about who the sponsored the bill and what happens next at Trucking Info online.

This Week in Trucking
