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New York

Canadian Truckers Launch Postcard Campaign Against EOBRs


ATA, CVSA and AAA Release Video In Support Of Electronic LogsThe North American Trucking Guild is turning to the internet to launch a postcard campaign to fight mandated EOBRs, which they say will be costly for trucking companies and will not improve safety.

“The North American Truckers Guild, based in British Columbia, Canada, launched the online campaign last week. The timing is right, President Larry J. Hall says, because the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators is currently developing standards for electronic on-board recorders, or EOBRs, ahead of what could eventually become a government mandate for the devices,” Land Line Magazine reported.

“At the end of the day, we don’t see where a mandate is necessary,” Hall, who is also a member of OOIDA, told Land Line. “This is a very expensive solution in search of a problem.”

The mandated use of EOBRs is also a hotly debated issue in the United States.  Drivers, how do you feel about EOBRs?

To read more about the Canadian postcard campaign, follow this link to Land Line Magazine.

ATA, CVSA and AAA Urge Congress To Mandate Electronic Logs

This Week in Trucking
