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Chat with “Shipping Wars” Star Jennifer Brennan on Aug. 16th


Shipping Wars Jennifer Brennan
Chat live with truck driver reality show star Jennifer Brennan on Aug. 16th

Love them or hate them, the truck driver reality stars of A&E Network’s runaway hit “Shipping Wars” get people talking. The show gives a look into the strange world of specialty freight hauling. However, many truck drivers stand by their opinions that the show injects fake drama, and makes regular hard working truckers seem like petty jerks.

Well, here’s your chance to find out if one of the stars of the truck driver reality show knows what she’s doing, and just how much of the show is scripted.

Shipping Wars star Jennifer Brennan will be the featured guest for this month’s Overdrive Celebrity Series. The live chat program will be Thursday, Aug. 16 at 9 p.m. EDT. To register to participate, click here.

Shipping Wars, which begins its second season Tuesday, Aug. 7 on the A&E network, features Brennan and five other goods transporters competing for loads. Using the uShip website (an eBay-like auction only with customers looking for someone to deliver their items to another location), the stars of the show try to low-ball each other and still make the most profit per episode.

Brennan is profiled in the August issue of Overdrive Online.

This Week in Trucking
