Opponents of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s CSA enforcement program took their case to Congress yesterday, charging in a hearing that the program is being misused and harms small carriers.
Republicans on the House Small Business Committee also used the occasion to bash the Obama administration and FMCSA for the pending electronic onboard recorder mandate. The Alliance for Safe, Efficient and Competitive Truck Transportation, a group representing brokers, shippers and small carriers, claims credit for getting the committee interested in CSA (the common nickname for the Compliance, Safety, Accountability program).
“ASECTT has been intimately involved with this committee’s staff, educating them on CSA and its problems, providing many supporting materials … and guiding their research and preparation,” the group says in a description of its legislative program posted on its website.
Find out how they stated their case and who is on their side at Trucking Info online.
Other FMCSA issues covered by CDL Life:
- FMCSA responds to ATA’s challenge on safety study
- FMCSA declares Tennessee Trucking Company Hazardous to Public
- FMCSA targets unsafe tour bus companies in sweep
- FMCSA’s Mexican Pilot Program Failing