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Daredevil Attempts to Break Sound Barrier in 120,000 Foot Dive


World Record Free Fall from SpaceThere’s crazy and then there’s CRAZY. If you have a few spare minutes today around 11:30 MDT, you can watch a daredevil attempt the world freefall dive from a weather balloon floating at the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere. Energy drink extreme sports nuts Redbull will be broadcasting the entire thing live from the internet and on YouTube. They’ve named it Red Bull Stratos.

Red Bull Stratos is a mission to the edge of space that will try to surpass human limits that have existed for more than 50 years. Supported by a team of experts, Felix Baumgartner will undertake a stratospheric balloon flight to more than 120,000 feet / 36,576 meters and make a record-breaking freefall jump in the attempt to become the first man to break the speed of sound in freefall (an estimated 690 miles / 1,110 kilometers per hour), while delivering valuable data for medical and scientific advancement.

Supported by a team of experts Felix Baumgartner plans to make a freefall jump rushing toward earth at supersonic speeds before parachuting to the ground. His attempt to dare atmospheric limits holds the potential to provide valuable medical and scientific research data for future pioneers.

The Red Bull Stratos team brings together the world’s leading minds in aerospace medicine, engineering, pressure suit development, capsule creation and balloon fabrication. It includes retired United States Air Force Colonel Joseph Kittinger, who holds three of the records Felix will strive to break.

Joe’s record jump from 102,800 ft in 1960 was during a time when no one knew if a human could survive a jump from the edge of space. Joe was a Captain in the U.S. Air Force and had already taken a balloon to 97,000 feet in Project ManHigh and survived a drogue mishap during a jump from 76,400 feet in Excelsior I. The Excelsior III mission was his 33rd parachute jump.

This is the video that explains what Felix plans to do.

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/lB1PTOp1aKk” playlist=”Redbull Stratos Project” title=”Truck%20Driver%20Entertainment%20Sports%20Videos” width=”450″ height=”320″]


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