These days, it seems everyone is encouraging drivers to exercise. We thought we’d share some funny gym mishaps with you.
If these statistics are correct, exercise may be hazardous to your health.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the following injury statistics occurred in 2009:
* 1500 emergency room visits resulting from equipment related mishaps in gyms
*Â 50,000 emergency room visits from home exercise equipment
incidents including treadmill falls, exercise ball falls, elastic stretch
band hits to face, and dropping free weights on feet.
*Â Treadmills are the number one cause of equipment related injuries
with 575 occurrences of falling off, tripping over, and tripping on.
*Â Weight machines and free weights caused 224 injuries.
*Â Common gym equipment related injuries include broken ankles,
fractured arms, fractured legs, and fingertip amputations.
Fitness instructors cite the following reason for gym/exercise related injuries:
*Â Inattention due to Ipods, cell phones, and reading.
*Â Using equipment for the first time without proper instruction
*Â Working out too hard, too soon after a period of inactivity.
Enjoy some of these funny gym mishaps.