1 C
New York

Flying J Truck Stops Debut “Rolling Strong” Gym Locations


Rolling Strong Fitness for Truckers

Rolling Strong fitness facilities will open at 10 Flying J locations in North America within weeks, with many more locations planned to open for business before the end of 2012. The gyms are a new partnerships formed by Rolling Strong, Snap Fitness and Pilot that’s taking direct aim at improving the health and wellness of America’s truck drivers. Truckers are particularly at risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and other conditions related to inactivity. Nearly 85 percent of truck drivers are considered overweight. It’s clearly a problem that won’t be going away because the industry chooses to ignore it.

Pilot Flying J understands the challenge professional drivers face in maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on the road, said Pilot Flying J CEO Jimmy Haslam. That’s why we are pleased to partner with Snap Fitness and Rolling Strong and provide convenient locations to drivers to help them improve their health and fitness.

Each Snap Fitness Rolling Strong gym will be located at a Pilot Flying J travel center or travel plaza, staffed by fitness professionals and will include a variety of top-of-the-line fitness equipment. Monthly gym dues equate to about $1 a day for the trucking community, which will provide access to the Snap Fitness Rolling Strong gyms as well as any of the 1,300 Snap Fitness clubs worldwide. Family membership options for the trucking community will be available as well.
You can find all current Rolling Strong Fitness Center locations here. Check back often for news on recently added facilities.

Other Rolling Strong programs include nutritional programs for drivers, an online Rolling Strong Driver Wellness Tracker, a driver wellness handbook, a network of 100 truck friendly Department of Transportation medical clinics, sleep testing and treatment and on-site BIO screenings.


This Week in Trucking
