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New York

Goodyear Launches 30th Highway Hero Campaign


Nominate a Highway HeroCDL Life is dedicated to improving the image of truckers in the public eye, so when companies like Goodyear launch their Highway Hero campaigns, we take notice and do everything we can to help promote it. This year, the 30th Highway Hero program begins, asking for extraordinary examples of trucking industry work, whether through action, charity, or advocacy.

Do you know a truck driver who deserves the Highway Hero award?

Tell us by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page. Fill out the online Highway Hero nomination form here. It’s quick and easy!

This year, Goodyear will award $5,000 to the Highway Hero Award winner and $1,000 to the person who nominated the winner.

Goodyear accepts nominations for this prestigious award from all over North America. Candidates are narrowed down to four finalists, and a panel of trucking industry media representatives then selects the Highway Hero Award winner.

All nominations are reviewed to ensure that certain criteria are met. These are the qualifications for each nominations.

  • Nominee must be a full-time truck driver
  • Nominee must reside in the U.S. or Canada
  • The incident must have occurred in the U.S. or Canada
  • Nominee must be on the job or on the way to or from work, and in his/her rig at the time of the incident
  • Nominee’s truck at the time of the incident must have 12 wheels or more
  • Nominations must be received by November 30, 2012
  • Incident must have occurred between November 16, 2011 and December 15, 2012 to qualify for this year’s program
  • Any and all applicable local, state and federal taxes are the sole responsibility of the winners.

Nominations also can be mailed to the Goodyear Highway Hero Award Headquarters; Dept. 798A; 1144 E. Market St., Akron, OH 44316 or by calling (330) 796-8183.

Read the stories of other Highway Angels here:

TCA Names Pegasus Truck Driver Newest Highway Angel
Real Life Guardian Angel On the Highway
Walden Trucker Earns Highway Angel Status from TCA
Trucker Mike Mozley Named TCA Highway Angel

This Week in Trucking
