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New York

Hanged Dummies Cause Stir On Las Vegas Highways


Video: Hanged Dummies Cause Stir On Las Vegas HighwaysCommuters on Las Vegas highways received quite a shock this week.  Dummies were dangling from two billboards, giving he appearance of a hanged person.

The Las Vegas Highway Patrol said they received dozens of calls from frantic commuters.

According to CNN, the dummies were dressed in business suits and were dangling from billboards reading “Dying for work” and “Hope you’re happy Wall St.”

“One mannequin dangled above Interstate 15 near the intersection with U.S. 95 downtown, Trooper Jeremie Elliott of the Nevada Highway Patrol told CNN. The other hung from a billboard about a mile from the famed Las Vegas Strip,” CNN reported.

The company that owns the billboards says they are unaware of who is behind the ads and said that the billboards had not been rented out.

“Somebody vandalized the sign to do that,” Elliott said.

Fortunately, there were no traffic accidents as a result of the morbid signs.

“If there would have been, our involvement would be much deeper,” he said.

The dummies were taken down later that day.

If the video does not load on your electronic device, follow this link to the original video. 

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