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Highlights from The Truckin’ Bozo’s Career in Radio


Truck Driver Entertainment Road Dog RadioHey truck drivers. In case you weren’t aware, the truck driver entertainment industry lost a true icon this week with the passing of Dale “The Truckin’ Bozo” Sommers due to complications from diabetes and Addison’s Disease. He was 68.

Sommers was an impartial steward for thousands of truckers over the years, and a bonafide advocate for the industry. He was someone that truck drivers felt that they could confide in, even while being broadcast over the air. He understood the trials and hardship of the trucking industry and would often find ways to bridge the gap between drivers and their supposed superiors to make the industry stronger, more vital and more professional, especially during decades when the public image of professional truck drivers were in decline.

During his last broadcast days, he was filling in afternoon slots on the XM radio Open Road Channel (now the Road Dog channel on XMSirius). He gave up the satellite radio show earlier this year, as his health took a larger turn for the worse.

Having said that, we thought we would collect a few of the Truckin’ Bozo’s Greatest Hits from the Past on video for you to review. For many of you truck drivers who stuck with his show from the early days of FM radio all the way to his days on SiriusXM, this may be quite a blast from the past. For you beginning truck drivers who may have just heard about Mr. Sommers, this could be a lesson on how to truly be representative of your chosen industry. Give a listen.

Thanks Dale, for all you did. Truck drivers love you, now and forever.

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/r8f4zAl1nC8″ playlist=”Dave Sommers Truckin’ Bozo” title=”Truck%20Driver%20Entertainment%20Dave%20Sommers” width=”450″ height=”320″]

This Week in Trucking
