Our friends at C.R. England Transportation recently released this interesting infographic about how even the smallest shift in fuel saving habits can help truck drivers conserve thousands per year. The trick is just identifying which areas you can improve upon.
What made C.R. England decide to release this infographic?
A simple fact that large fleet owners understand: Fuel costs are nearly universally a full quarter of a carrier’s operating budget. So it makes sense that everyone from the front office to the truck drivers understand how keeping a sharp eye on driving habits and maintenance points can really save everyone a ton of bucks over the year.
What are some of the areas of interest in the infographic?
- Idling
- Gear Ratios of Transmissions
- Acceleration and Braking
- Shift Optimization
- Tire Type
- Much more
So click on the image below to see the full size infographic. Mobile users beware – the image is really big, so be patient if you can’t see it right away.