0.8 C
New York

It’s a Good Time to Buy a Used Truck


If you’re in the market for a new-to-you, used truck, now’s the perfect time to buy.

The price of used, Class 8 trucks dropped in March, for the second consecutive month.  The findings were reported in the State of the Industry: Classes 3-8 Used Trucks, published by ACT Research.

Steve Tam, ACT vice president commercial vehicle sector said prices are not likely to continue falling but will slowly start to rise at a slow rate.

The report from ACT provides data on the average used price for the top-selling Class 8 model for each of the major truck OEM’s “ Freightliner (Daimler); Kenworth and Peterbilt (Paccar); International (Navistar); and Volvo and Mack (Volvo).

This Week in Trucking
