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Jobs for Troops: Trucks Offer Gainful Employment in Virginia


Troops To Trucks Program from VA DMV

Trucking Jobs for Troops

Through the new Troops to Trucks program, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles is joining forces with the military and transportation-related businesses to create jobs for troops, putting former servicemen and women and National Guard and Reserves members to work in the transportation industry.

Easing the Transition

As a first step, DMV certified two military installations as third-party testers to train more personnel to operate commercial motor vehicles. Working in partnership with trucking and bus companies, DMV is providing potential transportation-related employment opportunities for military members after service.

“The Commonwealth is an ideal place to launch Troops to Trucks,” says Governor McDonnell. “Virginia has approximately 823,000 veterans, 63,000 active-duty military and 20 major military installations. The goal of the Troops to Trucks program, a first in the nation, is to help provide jobs for troops as truck or bus drivers, or in other transportation-related jobs after their service; and to members of the National Guard and Reservist even during their service.”

Find out when the program begins and what types of veterans are eligible for work at Trucking Info.

This Week in Trucking
