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Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution


The New Year’s Resolution seems to have become just as traditional as carving pumpkins, canned cranberry sauce, and Christmas Trees. Here’s a list of some of the most common annual promises, and a few tips to help you keep yours all year long:

Eating Healthier | Dieting – Going on a diet or trying to change bad eating habits have got to be one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions – and also one of the easiest ones to break. One of the best ways to stick to your goal is to document your progress. Start a food journal and document everything you consume on a daily basis – don’t leave anything out (even if you cheat)! By keeping a record of your progress you’re more likely to be able to hold yourself accountable for your intake. Learn more about dieting from our article, “Planning To Drop Some Pounds Next Year? Weigh Your Options.”

Spend More Time with Family & Friends – Fitting in more quality time with the ones you love isn’t so easy for a driver to accomplish. However, due to the capabilities of modern technology this resolution can still be accomplished! Make it a point to spend a half hour on the phone with your significant other each day and set aside time a few days each week to Skype with your family!

Get Fit | Lose Weight – Fitness goals are some of the hardest to adhere to. Most people find it easier to stick to exercise routines when they’ve got a partner to keep them on track. This method would work best for team drivers – if you could both agree to walk or jog together around the area you’ve stopped. However, goals can also be set between spouses. Workouts would be done individually – but at the end of the day, you could hold each other accountable by checking in after your workout each night! Learn more about weight loss from our article, “Planning To Drop Some Pounds Next Year? Weigh Your Options.”

Quitting Unhealthy Vices – Two of the most common unhealthy vices include drinking and smoking. Although there is no easy way to quit either habit, there are definitely a multitude of resources out there to help you through the battle. Some common methods used to quit smoking are nicotine gum or patches, some people take up e-cigarettes to help ween themselves off of cigarettes, and others take note of how much money they’re actually spending on their habit to help put it into perspective. People that have trouble with alcohol abuse often turn to support groups to help them get through. However, although these methods are common – willpower and determination are the only things that will truly help to get you through. We know you can do it! Learn more about quitting smoking from our article, “Resolve To: Quit Smoking.”

Enjoy Life More | Stress Less – Eliminating the stresses in your life (especially as a driver) is no easy task. Our advice to you is to do everything you can to make time (when you have time) for the things you love in life. Set goals and dates for yourself to get the things you want to experience and accomplish done. Life is short, and you’ve got to get out there and live it. Take some deep breaths through those stressful times and focus on the adventures you’ve planted in the future to look forward to!

Help Others | Volunteer – Resolving to help others is a great goal in life. Not only does it service those around you, but it can fill the need inside of anyone to generate happiness. The beauty of caring for others is that it not only makes others happy, but it makes you feel good too! Even the smallest demonstrations of generosity are enough to fulfill this goal!

Get Organized – Organization is a skill that isn’t easily mastered by all. It takes patience, and a little bit of grunt work. Although it isn’t easy, accomplishing organizational goals can do wonders for stress relief and can often help to save you money! Try tidying up your sleeper area, or organizing your refrigerator – this helps you to know right where things are and also saves space for things you may not have had room for before! You can also try meal planning, not only does this save you from the time and frustration of scouting out a dinner location, but it saves you the stress of throwing something together at the last minute and can help you save money! Learn more about meal planning from our article, “Save Time & Money With Meal Planning.”

Learn Something New – Deciding to continually educate yourself is a wonderful thing. It’s also pretty easy to do! Some of the easiest ways to do this are to join an online community (like CDLLife) or forum, participate in an book club (online or in person), or turn it into a social goal and make it a point to converse with others when you stop for fuel or to rest until you hear something you’ve never heard before!

Get Out Of Debt – Escaping the stresses of debt isn’t an easy thing to do, but it’s a worthwhile goal – and the stress relief you’ll feel once you’re debt-free is indescribable. Check out our article “How To: Clean Up Your Credit Report” for a few helpful tips!

Travel – You’ve got this one under control! 😉

Get A Better Job – Searching for better employment opportunities seems to be the reoccurring theme in the trucking industry. You can help yourself to make good decisions in your job search by researching the companies that you apply to. Check into their social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter or carrier review systems to see what their current drivers are saying about them!

Recycle – Recycling isn’t an easy goal for drivers – but it can be done! Some gas stations have recycling bins outside of them – save up your recyclables in a small tote and dump them all at the same time! This is an excellent environmentally friendly alternative to tossing trash out the window or wasting reusable goods by putting them in the garbage!

What is your  New Year’s Resolution?


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