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New York

Michigan Bills That Will Affect Truck Drivers


Michigan Bills That Will Affect Truck Drivers Michigan lawmakers may soon pass laws that will affect truck divers and motorists in the state.

House Bill 5454 would forbid the use of automated ticketing machines, such as red light cameras, to enforce moving violations and speeding.  The bill would require police officers to be at the scene when a violation occurs, if a ticket is to be issued.

However, an exemption is expected to be made for the state police to enforce truck rules.

“The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association supports efforts to limit ticket cameras. OOIDA officials say the focus on the revenue-generating devices ignores the more logical and reasoned approach to roads and traffic,” Land Line Magazine reported. “OOIDA Executive Vice President Todd Spencer has said the goal should be to keep traffic moving in as safe a manner as possible. He has also said that communities would be better served to pursue ‘intelligent traffic lights that actually monitor traffic and are triggered by traffic flow.’”

An additional bill, SB1192 addresses safety concerns near work zones.  If passed, the bill would prohibit passing within 1 mile of a work zone.  The bill would also require the use of signage to warn commuters about the upcoming no passing zone and work zone 2 miles before they reach the work site.

SB1231 would require a truck driver who is pulled over at night to turn on his or her interior lights.  If passed, violation of this law would result in a $100 fine.

The final bill, BH5716, would require a a driver who has been involved in an accident with a minor to attempt to contact the child’s guardian, parent, police officer or both.

The bills are currently in committee.  As soon as they are passed or vetoed, we will pass along the information to you.

This Week in Trucking
