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New York

New Hampshire Dump Truck Driver Saves Motorist


On Tuesday, April 10, 2012, Christopher Richard, 31 of Antrim, New Hampshire, was heading south on I-89, north of exit 2, when his car drifted into the right lane and bounced off a guard rail.


His car then went back into the road and hit a car driven by Peter Kalpakgian, 24, of Warner, New Hampshire, said New Hampshire state police Lt. Mark Armaganian.


Both cars, then went into the grass median.  Richards was throw from his rolling car and landed in the center of the northbound I-89 lanes.


Lenny Hall, a dump truck driver for Dirt Doctors of Concord, witnessed the accident and prevented it from becoming a tragedy using his dump truck to block the  northbound traffic, shielding Richards from the oncoming cars.


He had the presence of mind to put it across the roadway to block traffic so the person in the roadway wouldn’t be run over, Armaganian said. If he hadn’t acted, this would have been a fatality, no doubt about it.


He did the right thing, Armaganian said of Hall. He did a really good job.


Brian Boudreau, a fellow employee at Dirt Doctors, told the New Hampshire Union Times that Hall’s actions were no surprise to him or other employees at the landscaping business.


It’s definitely within his character, Boudreau said.Richard was taken to Concord Hospital with serious, but not life-threatening, injuries.

Police believe fatigue may have caused the crash and said drugs and alcohol do not appear to be a factor.

This Week in Trucking
