Our photo contests have been getting a lot of funny replies/captions lately. Truck drivers know their work, and they definitely have a sense of humor. So why not participate this week? After all – taking a few seconds from your day can get you a pretty cool bag of prizes.
Our truck driver photo caption contests have been a big hit in the past, so don’t miss out! Sometimes we even double up on the prizes if the captions are really funny.
What are the rules? Pretty simple:
- The contest runs from now until Noon, CST May 30th. Any caption sent through after that is ineligible for the prize.
- You can use curse words, but make it funny, not filthy.
- Keep all racist, sexist and bigoted comments to yourself.
- Be a good sport and “Like” the comments you find funny from other truckers. It’s all in the name of community and sportsmanship.
That’s basically it. What’s the prize? A box of CDL Life goodies – a Tshirt, a drawbag, a window cling, and some pens. If you’re selected as the winner, please send your name, Tshirt size and mailing address to [email protected]
All good? Excellent – here’s the pic for this week’s photo caption contest.