Photo Fun: Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel

If you’ve been hanging out with us on Facebook, you’ll know that the majority of our truck driver group love their dogs. Many of them even take them on the road for companionship. They send us photos of the lucky pooches and kitties all the time (so should you!).

But Seth Casteel came up with an interesting way to photograph dogs he knows. We’re not sure if these pictures are cute or scary, so we thought presenting them near Halloween would be best, just in case it was one or the other.

Casteel works for a photography studio called Little Friends Photo, which should give you a clue about what type of studio it is. In order to get the edge on local competition, Casteel came up with the idea to photograph dogs with a waterproof, high definition digital camera from inside a pool, as an assistant gets the dogs to jump after a toy.

The results have earned Casteel several spots on local and national television programs and some magazine spreads too.

So have a look at some of his best results. We’re sure you’ll love them.

[youtube url=”″ playlist=”Seth Casteel Dog Photos” title=”Truck%20Driver%20Entertainment%20Videos” width=”460″ height=”330″]


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