Hey truck drivers! We had a great time in Dallas this last week during the Great American Trucking Show. We got the word out to lots of new faces and met some old friends too!
Our new Over-The-Road correspondent Wendy Benton Parker and her husband George came by to say hello, along with many representatives from trucking companies and product sellers. We may actually have an entire shoulder bag worth of pamphlets, stickers and business cards. It all went by so fast.
Was it invigorating? Yes! Was it tiring? Yes. Was it mostly business and very little pleasure? …Ehhhh. We had our fun, no secret about that.
Having said that, the REAL reason most people go to GATS is to see the metric tonnage of custom trucks! We went looking for them and got an eyeful of gleaming chrome, killer mags, eye-popping paint jobs and amazing interiors. Want to see? Click on the slideshow below!