VIDEO: PKY Truck Beauty Show Results 2012 MATS

On the last day of the Mid-America Truck Show, Bud Farquhar and Eric Hartley, from Red Eye Radio, announced the winners of the 23rd annual Paul K. Young Truck Beauty Competition in front of  a full auditorium.

Rows of awards stood erect and gleaming at the podium. One by one each winner was called down to accept his or her award. Many of the recipients took the walk to the podium more than once, winning in more than one category. As award winners took their walk to the podium, cheers, hoots and razzes were called from the crowd.

Perhaps the most tear-jerking moment of the ceremony came toward the end of the ceremony when the family of Jake Eilen presented the ‘Jake Eilen’ Award.

Some of the day’s most memorable events were when Donald Bowling’s breast cancer tribute themed truck won “Custom Paint Combo,” “Best Working Combo” and “Best Company Combo,” when the “Kick-Start” award was given to young Coleman Doverspike, who joyfully announced to the crowd that he designed his truck the way he did because he loves Smokey and the Bandit.  

In case you missed it, CDLLife put together this video of highlights from the ceremony and a list of a few of  the winners:

People’s Choice- Randy Stroup

Working Bobtail- Bob and Shelly Brinker

Working Combo- John O’Keefe

Limited Mileage Bobtail-Bill and Marie Sandvik

Limited Mileage Combo-Randy Stroup

Jake Eilen “Pride In Your Ride”- William Rethwisch

Outstanding Truck Build Achievement Award- Clarion County Career Center

Best Peterbilt Award- Randy Stroup

Best Theme Award- Donald Bowling

Best Use of Chrome Bobtail- Bill and Marie Sandvik

Best Use of Chrome Combo- Paul Voigt

Most Technologically Advanced Cab Award- Rebecca Aurenz

“Kick-Start” Truck Build Award- Coleman Doverspike

1st Place Working Combo -Jerry Kissinger

1st Place Bobtail- David Foster

1st Place Working Combo, 2003 or newer- John O’Keffe

1st Place Antique- Eric Hardge

1st Place First Show Combo- Daniel Raible

1st Place First Show Bobtail- Patric Matte

1st Place Working New Truck- Nick Baudino

For the complete list of winners visit the Paul K Young Truck Beauty Show website.


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