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New York

Teamsters: Obama Will Be Endorsed For Re-Election


Teamsters & Obama

At the annual Teamsters conference in Las Vegas, Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa announced the union’s endorsement of President Barack Obama for re-election in 2012.

The union says the decision was based on scientific polling of union members, surveys and deliberations by the union’s democratically elected General Executive Board.

Why Not Mitt Romney?

In a statement, Hoffa called Mitt Romney a “vulture capitalist, who would deny worker’s rights to representation, good wages and benefits.”

Mitt Romney is the last person that should be pointing the finger at anyone for the decline of American businesses and job loss, said Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa. This nonsense is coming from a man who made his millions dismantling companies and putting countless numbers of middle class workers out on the street. He is nothing more than a parrot, repeating whatever talking points that are put in front of him each day. This is not a man that should be in the White House as we continue down the path to economic recovery.

Obama Reponds

In a phone call to Teamster’s, President Obama said, “In these years I’ve been in office, I’ve seen and appreciated how you support the American economy and social justice, a tradition that goes back more than 100 years.  America would look different without the Teamsters.”

The Teamsters endorsement of President Obama comes as a surprise to some, after many Teamsters announced they would likely sit out this year’s presidential election, saying they were disappointed President Obama hadn’t focused on their agenda as much as they’d hoped.

The Teamsters represent 1.4 million men and women.



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