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Terrible Truck Driving Movies: CB Hustlers


Uschi Digart Trucker MoviesAt CDL Life, we do our best to entertain and inform truckers. We keep them up on industry news, tech gadgets for trucks, new music and games and anything else they might be interested in. We also have a running series called “Truck Driver Movies.” Most of them are fun action romps from the 70s and 80s, some are pretty good too. They never won any Oscars, but that doesn’t mean much.

So, we’re going to have to apologize for this one. But it’s so unabashedly 70s, we couldn’t pass it up. Where else but Hollywood could a director create a team of heroes who were also lot lizards? As we noted this week, women demanding sex on the road can be bad news. Women running a full service mobile brothel should be worse news. But this movie makes it look like all fun and games. They’re actually shocked that the local sheriff might want to shut them down. How’s an honest girl to make a living?

You get the picture. There’s not much to like in this one, aside from some really cool custom vans they use as set dressing in lots of scenes.We believe the official term for that is “Vansploitation.”

So again, we apologize for putting this up as an entertainment option, because it’s just too dumb to be true. We’ll be back next time with a better choice.

This one is rated R for a reason, btw.

Click the pic to watch the movie. You have to be logged into YouTube to do that, remember.

Truck Drivers on Film

This Week in Trucking
