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Truck Driver Saves Family From Submerged Car


Truck Driver Saves Family From Submerged CarA UPS truck driver is being credited with saving a driver and five children from a submerged car in Lady’s Island, South Carolina.

Driver Eric Logan, 26, was driving his route when he witnessed a driver lose control of his car.

“The car just swerved to the left a bit, and then it did a beeline back to the right between Harbor Island Bridge and the Shrimp Shack,” Logan told the Herald Online. “And the car just went airborne and hit the mud.”

The car was submerged in waist-deep mud.

Logan stopped his truck and ran over to help the car’s passengers.  He noticed the driver was slumped over the steering wheel, and the passenger was screaming that the driver may have had a heart attack.

There were five children in the backseat, ages 6 to 12.

“I got the children out of the car first, to make sure they were OK, and carried a couple in my arms, a couple on my back, just to get them up out of the mud,” he said.

The oldest child jumped out of the car and got sucked deep into the mud.  Logan had to pull the child out of the deep mud.

“I had to pull him out; it sounded like a suction cup,” he said.

Rescuers arrived shortly after Logan had extricated the children from the car.  Once the children were safely out of the vehicle, Logan waded back through the mud to rescue the driver and passenger, while rescuers attended to the children.

“The guy was unresponsive,” Logan told the Herald. “I couldn’t really do compressions on him, but I did kind of hit him in the chest one time, and he coughed; so I just did CPR on him, and he became coherent and awake.”

Paramedics transported the man to the hospital and Logan, covered in mud, returned to his route.

Logan said he never got the family’s name and didn’t know how to check on their condition, so he went to the fire department to speak with the responders who told Logan that the family was on vacation at the time of the wreck and that the family had been checked over by medical professionals and had been released.

Thanks to Logan’s quick thinking, all 7 family members were OK.

Truck drivers put their own lives on the line each day to save others.  Read more stories about hero truck drivers.

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