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Truck Drivers Can Chat With Country Star Lindsay Lawler Today


For any truck driver who isn’t familiar with country music singer Lindsay Lawler, the first thing they should know is that Lawler makes it her business to back truckers in everything they do.

In 2010 Lawler wrote and recorded Highway Angel as a tribute to TCA’s Highway Angel program. The lyrics applaud the many professional truck drivers who stop each day to help motorists in trouble on the highways, but who never get properly thanked for their efforts. It’s not a surprise to find out that truck drivers who hear Lindsay’s positive message about America’s Highway Knights become instant fans of her work. Many hear a kind of honesty missing from much of today’s pre-packaged music and image-obsessed stars.

This song sends a strong, positive message about the good people of the trucking industry and deserves to be seen and shared by all of us. We hope everyone will share the link with their friends through Facebook and other social networking sites, said Gary Salisbury, TCA’s former chairman. [pullquote align=”right”]Truckers News Celebrity Series – June 12, 2012.  Lindsay Lawler, Live chat begins at 8 p.m. Central Standard Time at Truckers News online.[/pullquote]

So Truckers News Magazine online is offering truck drivers a chance to listen to what Lindsay has to say about music, life and the trucking industry. The show is part of the Truckers News Celebrity series, and it begins on Tuesday June 12 at 8 p.m. Central time.

Starting around that time, Lindsay will be part of a 30-minute live web chat in which she’ll field questions from the audience.

To participate, visit truckersnews.com/celebrity. (You have to create a login ID and account, which is free). If you can’t attend, post your questions to Truckers News Facebook page.

Here’s the song that Lindsay Lawler wrote about America’s truck drivers. Have a look and listen!

HighwayAngelVideo’s channel

This Week in Trucking
