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Truck Drivers Going The X-tra Mile To Help Others


Truck Drivers Going The X-tra Mile Xata, a provider of on-demand software and services to the trucking industry, launched a competition of sorts that would highlight the good deeds of truck drivers.

Drivers and friends or family of drivers were invited to share stories of drivers going the extra mile to help others on the Xata facebook page so others can vote for their favorite good deed.  The story with the most “likes” wins. To vote for your favorite deed, follow this link to the Xata facebook page.

Truck drivers across the country do kind things for others on a daily basis, and all too often, their good deeds go unnoticed and unrewarded. Xata wants to reward drivers for their good deeds.  The winner of the Xtra Mile contest will receive a 7″ Huawei MediaPad.

Here’s a rundown of the contenders:

James Moose Welborn,- Kylla Leeburg at Truckers Against Trafficking nominated James.

“James Moose Welborn, contacted Truckers Against Trafficking, about the fact that on an early August morning while he was stopped at a light, lost a bit and trying to gather his bearings, a car pulled up next to him with 4 young girls and a male driver. The driver asked him if he wanted to have sex with a 15 year-old for $150. James turned down the offer, recognized this as sex trafficking of a minor, got a description of the car and driver, the license plate number and then followed the car to the exit (it was exiting to the nearest truck stop). He then made the call! We were able to get the hotline all of this very specific and very helpful information, and they were busy contacting all of their law enforcement connections in that area to go after the car and driver and rescue those young ladies. Well done, James! This is the kind of action we at Truckers Against Trafficking love. We are so proud of James and all of the truckers who are making a stand and doing the right thing. We appreciate them all! Make the call, save lives! 1-888-373-7888”
Allen Smith: Kari Fisher nominated Allen Smith.

“Allen spends many hours a week not only driving a tanker, he makes the time for his organizations. Ask the Trucker (http://askthetrucker.com/), Truth About Trucking (http://www.truthabouttrucking.com/) and is the organizer of the Truck Driver Social Media Conference (http://www.truckingsocialmedia.com/), the only event of its kind, his dream of uniting drivers.Allen educates, advocates, listens and speaks for drivers everywhere. He is passionate about the truck driving industry.”
Rickie Youngquist:Kylla Leeburg at Truckers Against Trafficking nominated Rickie
“I’d like to also nominate trucker Rickie Youngquist for being an incredible advocate for human trafficking survivors. Rickie is a strong supporter of Truckers Against Trafficking and educates his fellow truckers about the signs of sex trafficking and what to do if they see it. But Rickie went a major step above and beyond when a group called Free the Girls contacted TAT about needing to transport thousands of bras Colorado to Chicago in order to load them on a cargo plane to Africa. Sex trafficking survivors are given the bras to sell in their African villages making 3 times the national average wage. It is a great way for them to put their lives together after their exploitation. Rickie heard about the need and volunteered to drive the bras from Colorado to Chicago. Only reimbursed for his gas, Rickie has volunteered to transport more loads for Free the Girls in the future in order to aid not only domestic but also global victims of trafficking. We are proud that he is a trucker against trafficking!”
James B.: 

“If there’s a disabled vehicle in a travel lane, I will use my truck to block it. I did this in Massachusetts about a week and a half ago, a lady had broken down in the middle lane, and I stopped to see what assistance I could lend. I put out flares, and got a local police officer that was responding to something else to help (I didn’t know he was responding to something else). Also, yesterday, I stopped on I-94 in Michigan, and cleared away debris from a Super-Single blow-out, by stopping my truck in the right lane (where the debris was) and moving the big pieces to the shoulder. About an hour later, I checked the traffic flow from my phone, and that area was back to normal speed (from stop and go). I try to prove that Truck Drivers still do care about other people, because in today’s society, no one cares about the other person, they just care about themselves. I don’t do it to win a Tablet, or get recognition, I do it because it is Human Compassion for your fellow member of society.”
Andy Morse: 
“One night I stopped in the little truck stop by the riverside casino in iowa to get an a&w burger and there was a teenage girl with a friend, besides her friend she brought her little sister along maybe 3 or 4. As I was walking over to get a drink I noticed that the older sister was being just mean to this little girl telling her that she never should have taken her along just because she asked if she could have some doritos which the big sister then asked if the little girl had money to buy them, of course the little girl said no and sadly put the chips back, it broke my heart so I dropped a 20 on the floor and told the little girl she dropped it, I reached down and picked it up and handed it to her with a wink. She went from being sad to having the biggest smile on her face. Needless to say she got her bag of chips,and some other candy. The big sister just gave me a look…… So i just smiled and walked away….to this day i can see the smile from the little girl. Well that’s the story.”
Voting ends tonight at 10:00 p.m. Eastern time.  Hurry, follow this link to vote for your favorite good deed.  


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