1 C
New York

Truck Driver’s Quick Thinking Averted Disaster


Tanker Truck Caught Fire On Friday night at approximately 11:30 p.m., a Pacific Tank Lines truck driver was traveling along Highway 101 near the Turnpike Road exit when he noticed his tractor was on fire.

The driver, who was heading from Southern California to Lompoc, was hauling 8,900 gallons of gasoline

The driver quickly pulled off of the road and detached the tank from his tractor and pulled some distance from it.

According to Noozhawk, the fire began on the rear wheel of the tractor. Firefighters were able to quickly extinguish the blaze and no one was injured.

“The action of the driver prevented the tanker portion from igniting,” Fire Department spokesman Vince Agapito told Noozhawk.

While doing this may have been the common sense thing to do, sometimes it’s hard to keep a level head during a scary situation, but this driver managed to do so.

This Week in Trucking
