Hey truckers! We’re ready to watch you bring the funny with our latest photo caption contest. Today’s prize is a CDL Life Tshirt and Draw Bag.
Remember – we try to feature a weekly contest on CDL Life. We post them here and on our Facebook page. Have you checked us out over there? We have over 24,000 truckers interacting with each other every day. They talk trucking, travel, photography, industry tips, politics, humor and much more. Come join us!
So, contest rules – what are they? We don’t have many – just these:
- Keep the bigoted remarks/hate speech to yourself.
- Use your favorite 4 letter words, but keep it witty.
- You have until Noon CST on May 10th, 2012 to enter. Then we close the competition and begin counting the “Likes.”
- Be a sport and “Like” funny remarks by others.
That’s it! Okay – ready? Caption!