At the Mid-America Truck Show, attendees had the change to win a $10,000 set of retreaded tires in the Tire Retread and Repair Information Bureau’s (TRIB) “Spot the Retreads” contest.
Now, the The Retread Tire Association (RTA) has offered truckers the chance to witness the process of manufacturing, testing and maintaining a retreaded tire first-hand at one of the many plants across North America.
At RTA, we want all of our friends in the trucking industry to see how their retreads are constructed, tested and maintained. Taking a tour of a retread plant is one of the best ways to see the process from start to finish, said Harvey Brodsky, managing director of RTA. We can arrange for you to take a tour from just about anywhere in North America. There could be a retread plant right in your area.”
“If you have any doubts about retreading, this will change your mind, he says.
The TRIB hopes that witnessing the process of retreading tires will dispel any myths about retreaded tires and put trucker’s minds at ease about purchasing a set of retreaded tires.
According to TRIB,
-Retreads are green- saving hundreds of millions of gallons of oil in production, reducing carbon emissions, and reducing landfill.
-Retreads are safe- used safely every day on school buses, airplanes, fire engines, ambulances, trucking fleets, taxis, postal service vehicles, military vehicles and by millions of motorists.
-Retreads save $- retreaded tries represent a savings of over $3 billion annually in North America.
-Retreads don’t create rubber on the road- Federal and state studies have shown that rubber on the road is caused primarily by road hazards, under-inflation, overloading and other tire abuse on both NEW and retreaded tires.
To arrange a tour, call RTA at 831-646-5269 or email [email protected].
Drivers, what are your thoughts on retreaded tires? Do you feel that they’re safe?