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New York

Truckin For Kids 2012 Begins Oct. 6


2012 Truckin For Kids ShowTruck Driver families, drag race fans, motor sport enthusiasts and curious bystanders might want to do a nice turn for some needy kids next week if they’re in Los Angeles. The 30th annual Truckin’ For Kids event at the Irwindale Speedway is being held on Oct. 6th and 7th.

A Good Time for a Great Cause

The group says of their event: Truckin’ for Kids Truck Drags and Show & Shine is an exciting event that is held annually in Southern California. This annual fund raiser attracts a diverse crowd of people who are interested in everything from big rigs and drag racing to supporting children’s charities or just plain old having a good time. The goal of the Truckin’ for Kids all volunteer crew and the truckers who participate in the Truck Drags is to raise money to provide various children’s charities with funds to help kids in need. We support worthy charities that range from assistance to abused children to educational scholarships for kids with exceptional scholastic merit and financial need.

The events in store are all about trucking – truck drag races, specialty competitions, Pride & Polish Show Truck Competition, food, fun and a whole lot more.

If you need more information about registration and how to get there, just visit this link.

See you there, truckers!

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/xcTQU3L9pNM” playlist=”Truckin for Kids 2012″ title=”Truck%20Driver%20Events%202012″ width=”450″ height=”320″]

This Week in Trucking
