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Update: Truck Driver Rear Ended By Lohan Talks


Truck Driver Rear Ended By Lohan Shares His Side Of the StoryAt is turns out, Lindsay Lohan might not be the most reliable crash report source.  On Friday, June 9, 2012, Lohan reportedly rear ended a big rig with her rented black sports car.

Lohan has a history of drug abuse and bad driving, so we’re not entirely surprised.

Initially, Lohan claimed the driver of the truck was at fault, saying he cut her off and slammed on his brakes, causing her to rear end the truck.

That was her story, but she wasn’t sticking to it.  Now, Lohan claims the brakes on the rental car were faulty and she didn’t have time to stop.

The name of the truck driver she rear ended is James.  He is now speaking to the media about the incident. James said that Lohan came “flying up the highway,” and that there’s no way he could have cut her off, because he was already in the right lane.

James also said that Lohan’s team tried to bribe him saying, “Him and the guy took me across the street and told me this was some kind of famous person and they didn’t want to be in the media,” he told TMZ. “… They packed a bag and then the limousine driver told me, ‘Don’t mention the bag to the cops’.”

The truck driver has hired a lawyer.

As soon as the official police report is posted, we will provide you with the details…although the CSA will still probably add points to the driver’s score anyway, regardless of who is really at fault…

This Week in Trucking
