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Video: 7 Second Drag Race from Inside the Car


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Hey truck drivers – have you ever entered an official drag race before? Would you like to? Step right this way.

This video was shot at a Louisiana drag strip called State Capitol Raceway for the IHRA Mardi Gras Nationals in 2011. The driver is named Chase Murray, who is a semi-pro racer who pushes the pedal to the metal on weekends while he finishes up his certification at a technical college. He claims his Top Fuel dragster hit 220 mph, giving him an official time of 6.6 flat. Not bad for a rookie.

Murray shot the video with the popular HD digital camera called a GoPro. You’ve probably seen the commercials on TV of people strapping these rugged little boxes to their motorcycle helmets, taking them on sky dives, and hey – even perching them on the dashboards during trips! The camera offers a lot of quality for just a little price tag. We know, because we’ve been using GoPro Cameras to shoot features for CDL Life for a year now.

Anyway, enough talk, more rock. Here’s the ferocious run by Chase during an IHRA qualifying round.

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/WXQcwcjsZYE” playlist=”GoPro Drag Racing” title=”Driver%20Drag%20Racing%20POV%20Dash%20Cam” width=”460″ height=”330″]

Buy GoPro HERO Camera at GoPro.com

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