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New York

Video: Freak Accident– You Won’t See It Coming


We want to warn you, this video will scare you.  The driver in this video was unharmed in the accident and was more than lucky.

Wendy Cobb, the driver was recording a road rage incident that was going on between the two cars in front of her on a North Carolina highway.

What you see next is a 2×4 plunging through Cobb’s windshield.

“The two-by-four was in the road, along with several others, but when the truck in front of me hit it, and then his trailer hit it, it just propelled it into me,”  Cobb said.

“I don’t know why I didn’t scream or cuss or cry, I guess just pure shock. I could barely form words to call 911.”

This Week in Trucking
