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VIDEO: How It’s Made – Truck Scales


Hey truck drivers! We’re back with another installment of “How It’s Made” from our friends at The Science Channel. This week – we take a look at the wide range of tiny and massive parts that make up semi truck scales.

The semi truck scales you find on the highway weigh stations can measure massive quantities of freight, but they rely on some very tiny delicate parts. They’re known as Strain Gauges and they’re about as thick as a business card.
However, they’re extremely accurate to within fractions of ounces. But they are also vulnerable to moisture and stress, so must be protected as much as possible.Strain Gauges are the heart of semi truck scales, and manufacturing them takes skill, patience and accuracy.

The final product assembled weighs quite a bit, and must be carefully transported to the site at slow speeds.

Ready to see how it’s all put together? Take a look at this 5 minute video to find out!


This Week in Trucking
