Truck drivers are manly types, for the most part. Their jobs are tough, they work hard, they don’t suffer fools gladly. But they do have senses of humor.
That’s why we had to share this video of the day. An Argentinian film maker named Juan Etchegaray decided he would try and get random strangers on the street and beach to give their best by throwing a rock as hard as they could – with their opposite than normal hand. Predictably, the results are pretty hilarious.
We just wonder why ANYONE would agree to do that on tape. You KNOW they knew that they would look ridiculous. Oh, the magnetism of fleeting internet fame – will it ever cease?
Since we actually have our own video channel at YouTube, we already know the answer is “No. It will never cease.”
Other funny videos from CDL Life.
- Video: Kid Already Knows How to Powerslide a Car
- Video: So This Woman Walks Into a Bar
- Video: Husband Pranks Wife in the Car
[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/3Ap7WM_UO4E” playlist=”Men Throwing Rocks With Their Opposite Hand” title=”Truck%20Driver%20Humor%20Men%20Throwing%20Rocks%20Badly” width=”450″ height=”320″]