-4.1 C
New York

VIDEO: Mountain Biker Makes A Run With His Dog


Around here at CDLLife, we love our GoPro® HD Cameras and we love trucker pets. This video sent in by James, a semi pro mountain biker, shows us what some of the most hazardous mountain bike trails in North America look like from the rider’s point of view. It’s pretty hairy. However, the trail doesn’t seem to faze his Hungarian Vizsla pup Amber – she’s up for anything!

In the past, we’ve covered how great biking can be to help truck drivers lose a little bit around their waistline. During down time and restarts, truckers usually have lots of square miles of parking lot to get some exercise to burn off those extra inches that truck stop foods can build up. Many bikes can fold up and fit in truck sleeper cabs with barely any trouble at all.

Anyway – let’s get to the video. This ride has some pretty hairy moments (not just due to the furry friend who’s running alongside). Let us know what you think about biking and fitness, truck drivers! We could all use some extra exercise, when you think about it!

Buy GoPro HERO Camera at GoPro.com


This Week in Trucking
