Home Entertainment Video: Soapbox Racing, Red Bull Style

Video: Soapbox Racing, Red Bull Style

Soapbox Racing, Red Bull Style

With a name that is synonymous with energy, no one does soapbox racing like Red Bull.

Soapbox racing made its big screen debut in 1914 in a Charlie Chaplin film.

The American Soapbox Derby began in 1934, in Akron, Ohio.  Popularity for the sport peaked during the 1950s and 1960s.  At its peak, soapbox derby racing was one of the 5 most popular sports.

Red Bull hosts several soapbox derby events around the world each year. The events draw tens of thousands of spectators, and the cars that race are none other than works of art, but can they hold up on the course?

Have a look at two Red Bull soapbox race videos here.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/_sQQzCvL3eI” width=”450″]

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/ABel-EnUTUw” width=”450″]

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