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New York

6 States Team Up To Reduce Crashes


East Coast State Inspection BlitzAccording to a press release from the Virginia State Police, a 6-state effort will be underway this weekend on nearly 800 miles of US Route 15 to crackdown on unsafe drivers and reduce crashes.

The blitz, called “Operation Border to Border,” begins Friday, June 7 and will run though Sunday, June 9.  For three days, troopers from Maryland, New York,  North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia will be working together, “conducting saturation patrols, sobriety check points and other enforcement initiatives to reduce traffic crashes and combat criminal behavior along this major, non-interstate highway,” the press release states.

Last year, troopers from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia worked together for the blitz and stopped a total of:

  • 509 speeders and 16 reckless drivers.
  • Three commercial vehicles were  stopped and cited for speeding in Virginia and North Carolina.
  • Seven drunk drivers in Virginia and Maryland were arrested.
  • Troopers cited 56 seat belt violations and 19 child  restraint violations.
  • A total of 24 felony and misdemeanor arrests, to include two drug  arrests, also resulted from the initiative.
  • No traffic fatalities occurred during the three-day  project. There were three traffic crashes that involved injuries – all of which occurred in  Virginia.

This year, New York, North Carolina and South Carolina have joined in on the campaign.

Press Release from Virginia State Police:

Driving under the influence, speeding, aggressive and distracted driving have contributed to motor vehicle crashes and fatalities along Maryland’s 37.85 miles of Route  15, a major north/south roadway frequently traveled by vacationers throughout the  summer months. In 2012, Maryland State Police responded to approx. 700 reported motor vehicle crashes along Route 15 in Frederick County. These incidents ranged from  minor fender benders to serious personal injury crashes. Fortunately, none of these  involved a fatality. However, between 2010 and 2011, there were six fatalities along the  Maryland portion of Route 15 in Frederick County.

New York 
Route 15 travels 12.71 miles into New York State, approximately half that distance is  two-lane rural highway with at grade intersections while the remaining portion is a fourlane divided highway. Over the last two years the number of motor vehicle collisions  investigated by the state police has remained relatively unchanged. In 2011 there were 37  collisions with one fatality and there were 36 collisions in 2012.The primary cause of the  majority of these collisions was unsafe speed.

North Carolina
Unfortunately to date, the North Carolina stretch of Route 15 from Interstate 85 north to  the Virginia border has experienced one traffic death this year. Two people died in traffic  crashes in 2012 on Route 15 and five in 2011. The 158-mile stretch of highway  experienced 309 total traffic collisions last year, which was a 16% decrease from 2011  when there were a total of 369 traffic collisions. Speeding has been the most common  cause for collisions, with impaired driving also being a frequent factor.

Route 15 spans approximately 195 miles through central Pennsylvania from the  Maryland to New York borders. In 2012, law enforcement agencies in Pennsylvania  investigated a total of 428 crashes on Route 15, including four fatalities. This marks a  decrease from the 496 crashes, including ten fatalities, on Route 15 the previous year.  The primary factors for these crashes include speeding, distracted or careless driving, and  aggressive driving.

South Carolina  
Route 15 originates in Walterboro and continues north for 159 miles to the North  Carolina border.

From 2011 to 2012, Virginia’s 230-mile stretch of U.S. Route 15 experienced a 23  percent increase in traffic crashes. U.S. Route winds its way from Clarksville at the North  Carolina border through Virginia to the Maryland border at Loudoun County. The  highway alternates between two-lane, rural stretches of road to urban four-lane highways,  linking the towns of Clarksville, Farmville, Culpeper, Warrenton and Leesburg.   In 2012, there were 391 traffic crashes on U.S. Route 15, compared to 318 in 2011.  Five of the 2012 crashes were fatal. Speed, fatigue, alcohol, and illegal drugs have been  the most common causes of the crashes investigated along the Route 15 corridor within  recent years.

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