Home Entertainment Artist Uses Old Tires To Create Animal Sculptures

Artist Uses Old Tires To Create Animal Sculptures

Artist Uses Old Tires To Create Animal Sculptures

In recent years, repurposing has grown in popularity. Instead of throwing an object away to the landfill, many people are turning their “old things” into “new things.” Repurposing is a fun way to be creative, decorate, build something new and “go green.” Some people do this as a hobby, while others have turned it into a full-time career.

Repurposing professionals have gotten their hands on truck tires, pallets, and even containers. Take a look at how one artist is turning old tires into beautiful sculptures.

Tires – These impressive tire sculptures come from Korean artist Yong Ho Ji. To see more of Yong Ho Ji’s work, visit http://yonghoji.com/db/.



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