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New York

Attentive Truck Driver Rescues Man In Submerged Vehicle


Hero Truck Driver Intervenes, Prevents Possible AccidentsAt approximately 7:30 a.m. on May 9, Morrell and Morrell LP truck driver Scott Rosenburg had just delivered a load and was heading north on Manning Trail in Elk river, Minnesota when he noticed a pickup truck upside down in a pond.  The accident appeared to have just occurred, as steam was still rising from the water.

Rosenburg pulled his truck off the road.

As he approached the vehicle, two men were trying to pry open the door on the submerged vehicle, but the door wouldn’t budge.  That’s when the quick-thinking truck driver decided to use the boom on his truck to flip over the pickup.

With the help of the two men, Rosenburg was able to hook the boom to the truck and successfully flipped over the truck.

Once the truck was upright, the men looked inside at the driver.  They initially thought he had died, but then the man started moaning.

The men began working to get the vehicle’s doors open but were unsuccessful.  Fortunately, rescuers arrived quickly and were able to cut open the vehicle to extricate the driver.

“If you save somebody’s life, I’ve never had an experience like that,” Rosenburg told Star News. “I guess I was just in the right place at the right time.”

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office told Rosenburg’s operations manager that if it wasn’t for Rosenburg, the driver would have likely died.

Rosenburg has been nominated for a lifesaving award.

Great job, driver!


This Week in Trucking
