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New York

California Air Board Says Truckers Are Biggest Tipsters In Enforcement


According to the L.A. Times, the new CARB regulations have have turned some drivers and trucking companies into snitches.

State air pollution officials say that some of their best allies against truckers who break the rules are other truckers.

In other words, truck drivers are the air board’s biggest tipsters.  The L.A. Times reported that they receive numerous anonymous calls and emails from drivers who turn in other drivers and companies that are not in compliance.

What does the driver or carrier have to benefit from turning in other drivers and companies? The loss of competition and the attitude that they paid the price for compliance, so everyone else should have to, the board says.

The practice of truckers turning in other truckers is expected to only get worse as new regulations begin to go into effect.

The California Trucking Association estimates that it will cost carriers as much as $2.2 billion to comply with the upcoming regulations, which will likely force many small carriers out of business or out of the state.

“At the end of this year, there are going to be a lot of people clambering to try to get into compliance,” said Matt Schrap, president of California Fleet Solutions told the L.A. Times. “Some guys are probably just going to turn in the keys or keep operating until the ARB catches them.”

What are your thoughts on turning in other drivers or carriers that don’t meet regulations?

To read more about this, follow this link to the L.A. Times. 

This Week in Trucking
