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CDLLife Driver Gift Guide


Earlier this month, we asked drivers: “What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received that’s been either useful, appreciated, or thoughtful for life out on the road?”

We read through the responses, and have since compiled a list of gifts that drivers say they appreciate while out on the road.

1. Something small and heartfelt that travels along.

The perfect gift for a driver doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant – sometimes, it can just be something small and sweet that travels along. Things like this can serve as a constant little reminder that you care. Carl, one of our readers shared this story:

“When my daughter was 8 years old she bought me this really cute little green teddy bear holding a heart that has a keychain latch on it. She only paid a dollar for it but she was so excited that she got to buy her daddy something for xmas with her own money. I hooked it to my overnight bag so when ever I would go take a shower or get a motel if my truck was in the shop I would have a part of her with me. My little girl is now 15 and I still have that same little green bear hooked to my bag to always remind me why I am out here doing what I do and to push me to be the best father I can be for her. That was the best xmas gift anyone has ever bought be. To this day I look at that little bear and it brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. Merry xmas to all you drivers out on the roads this holiday and be safe out there.”

2. A special phone / Skype call.

As we all know, the road can be especially lonely this time of year. If your driver can’t make it home for Christmas, plan a special phone / Skype call. If you have kids, set up for the call in front of the Christmas tree, or send pictures and video via text / email. You could also put together a slide show on a digital picture frame! Reader, George says that the best gift is:

“My family at home to call & talk to or call me, see and spend time with me when I can be there. It means a lot to get a phone call or when you park, see a message from your wife and kids just to say they love you and miss you.”

3. The small comforts of home.

Anything you can send that’s small and can provide the subtle comforts of home will be greatly appreciated. Whether it be a soft blanket, nice pillows, a memory foam mattress pad, a nice sleeping bag, your driver’s favorite snack, coffee, or tea… whatever might provide a small escape or some relaxation. Reader, and wife of a driver, Kathleen said:

“I got my honey two new oversized pillows for his sleeper… made sure they smelled like me (rose water)… he could either sleep on both, adjust for his back or legs or hold one while he slept and missed me. I also got him an XM Satellite radio he loves being able to have the option to listen to whatever he feels like wherever he may be.”

Reader, Trevor says: “Memory foam mattress and a Yukon sleeping bag I feel like I’m sleeping on clouds every night.”

Reader, Debi says: “Stackables filled with food.”

4. That miscellaneous piece of equipment your driver is missing.

Many drivers listed items like Carhart coveralls, coats, and gloves, a rain coat, YakTrax, a nice flashlight, or a new pocket knife. Driver, James says:

“YakTrax. They’re chains for my shoes.”

5. Supplies for inside the truck.

Several drivers mentioned that they’d love to have a nice thermos, a 12-volt coffee maker, a care package, a new trucker’s atlas, GPS, a small TV, or cab curtains.

This Week in Trucking
