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Coal Truck Drivers Striking in Kentucky Over Back Wages


Kentucky Coal Truck Drivers StrikeThe coal truck drivers have had enough with words, and now they’re taking action against a local mining company that’s refused them months of back pay. Worst of all, no one is picking up the phone at the Justice Coal Company. Why has it come to this?

“Justice Coal Company is not paying the truckers,” said Brian Hall, truck driver with Roddy Trucking, of Cawood. “The deal is we’re parking the trucks until we get paid. This goes back several months and I’m talking several thousands of dollars they owe us.”

Truck drivers working for the Justice mines have hauled approximately 1,000 tons of coal per day, without pay for months and they’re simply out of options.

“We just want our money,” said Hall. “Roddy Trucking has to pay for diesel, employees, down costs and it’s hard to operate when you’re not getting paid. Truckers have bills to pay too. We have to provide for our families and eat. You can’t do that if you’re not getting paid.”

Hall said Justice Mining recently purchased several coal trucks to begin hauling coal out again, but the striking truck drivers blocked them from entering and leaving.

The striking truckers said company drivers did volunteer to stop their trucks and didn’t try to confront them.

“We ain’t letting nobody up in this holler to haul coal out,” said Hall.

So far, all attempts at getting Justice Mining’s side of the story have been met with silence and emails haven’t been returned. New developments pending.

This story was written using quotes from the Harlan Daily Enterprise.

This Week in Trucking
