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New York

Infographic: 10 Tips for Better Sleep


We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. – Sometimes it’s not easy to get a good night’s sleep out there.

In an ideal world, a driver would be able to pull over at night, have a stretch, a snack, and turn in to the sleeper berth for a restful sleep. But this isn’t an ideal world. Chances are that it’s noisy outside, you have a phone call home to make, and you’ve got something other than sleep on your mind. By the time you’ve tossed and turned for a few hours, you’re anxious about how tired you’re going to be the next day, and the next thing you know – it’s go time. Here are a few useful tips for getting yourself relaxed and ready to drift into a restful slumber for a much needed recharge.

Check out the info graphic below for some tips to help you catch some quality z’s!

10 Tips for Better Sleep InfographicSource

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This Week in Trucking
