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New York

Mattress On Highway Leads To Fatal Truck Wreck


Yesterday, a fiery crash claimed the life of one driver and injured two others.  More details about the accident are now being released.

The incident occurred yesterday afternoon on Interstate 83 northbound in York County, Pennsylvania, when two S&W Petroleum Services service trucks were stopping for a mattress in the roadway that had fallen from another vehicle and landed in the right lane near the North George Street Exit, ABC 27 reported.

A third truck was following the two S&W service trucks and wan’t able to stop in time.  The truck slammed into the back of the middle S&W truck, causing it to rear end the first truck, igniting a fire.

The driver of the middle S&W truck, 46-year-old Brian Jacobs, was killed.  At this time, it is unknown whether Jacobs died on impact or if he was killed by the fire.

The driver of the first S&W truck in the line of trucks, 64-year-old Gordon Myers, sustained serious injures and was taken to a local hospital. The driver who rear ended the S&W truck, 51-year-old Michael Grandmaison, sustained minor injuries and was also taken to a local hospital.

“Police said the crash is still under investigation and the driver who had the mattress fall from his vehicle is cooperating,” ABC 27 reported.

Source: ABC 27 News
ABC 27 Slideshow of the wreck.

This Week in Trucking
