According to KAJ18, the Montana Department of Transportation is asking drivers to chain up before attempting to travel the MacDonald Pass.
This week, Montana was hit with its second winter storm of the season as rain turned into ice and slush on many of Montana’s highways.
By Thursday morning road signs on the MacDonald pass alerted drivers to chain up.
“By 5:30 this morning she was pretty nasty, visibility 65 feet, real wet snow, the state was out plowing. They were doing a real good job,” truck driver Chuck Miller told KAJ18.
Drivers who didn’t get the warning were caught off guard.
“Five trucks were spun out, one was crossways in the road. I tried to get over in the scenic turnout and get out of the way of everything – and I just got stuck on the side there. It wasn’t too bad but you just don’t have no traction,” truck driver Russ Worl said.
Keith Flury told KAJ18, “I did not wake up this morning expecting to put chains on this truck. Let’s put it that way.”
The Montana Highway Patrol is giving out warnings and citations to drivers who do not chain up.
“Yes citations have been issued. I believe it’s $85 dollars, I would have to look again – but I believe that’s what it was. The traffic overall, except for the ones not chaining up, were good. You know, people for the most part were slowing down which they have to do.” MHP Trooper Thomas Gill said.