At this year’s Mid America Trucking Show, Navistar premiered its newest concept truck “Project Horizon.”
In an interview with Fleet Owner, Navistar’s Chris Ito said Navistar’s concept truck has been designed to focus on the driver’s primary needs: aerodynamics, driver comfort and safety, and lower operating costs.
Ito demonstrated some of the truck’s features, such as aerodynamic active grill shutters which force air to flow around the truck and are modulated by speed and temperature, LED headlamps, corner illumination turn signals, continuous light flow and new aerodynamic chassis skirt system.
“This concept truck is loaded with advanced powertrain, ergonomic and aerodynamic technologies,” CEO Troy Clarke said. “But this is not a long-term test truck. These are technologies we are fully committed to introducing in the next 24 to 36 months.”
Follow this link to Fleet Owner for the video interview.
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